Our Guidance, Your Peace of Mind

Your home is perhaps the single biggest monetary investment you will make. As with any major purchasing decision it comes with a multitude of moving parts. Organization and understanding the process are key elements to facilitating an efficient search and achieving a successful purchase. They also go a long way to maintaining your relationships and keeping your peace of mind. We are here to help!

Determining a Home’s Value and Making solid Offers

In a market with extremely low inventory, a home is worth what someone is willing to pay for it. In Atlanta in the last couple of years we have seen anywhere between 10% to 20% increase in value annually. With the rise in interest rates, it has been predicted that the market will return to a more normalized rate of around 5% per year. If you are thinking of Selling I’ll provide you with an analysis to help you determine value.

What do Buyers need to do in this market to be competitive with all cash? It’s dependent to some extent on the price point. Many homes across all price ranges have sold this year all cash. We will watch the market closely to determine a fair offer. You will lose bids, be ok with that. You aren’t the only one. Eventually you will win!

Be Competitive:

Offer above asking price if you have the ability to make up the difference in cash. It does not benefit you to offer above asking if you cannot do this. Go in at full price and entice by shortening or removing the contingency periods- due diligence, financing and appraisal, as much as you can.

Shorten due diligence, I cannot recommend giving up your due diligence. I am a firm believer that you have the right and the duty to inspect your new home. At the very least, if you choose not to have a due diligence, have it inspected so that you know what you are buying.

Financing, give your lender EVERYTHING that they need for underwriting so that they can tell you with relative certainty what your max purchase price is so that you can decide if you want to give up your financing contingency.

Appraisal, if you have extra cash to make up any difference between the appraised value and the contract price it’s a great position to be in. You can then consider giving up your appraisal contingency.